Think your day is going bad? Well here's a little perspective to make you feel better.
It's doubtful there's really ever gonna be a GOOD day, when your primary means of employment involves a workday regimen made up of dishing out creamed corn and mystery meat to non-appreciative middle-schoolers.
It's even more dubious when your work day ends in handcuffs because besides making sloppy-joes, you've been making death threats to your non-appreciative co-workers because they don't like the bake of your cookies.
Yeah. Burned cookie rejection. That's what we're talking about here.
(Some days, picking these Bad Day stories is just soooo easy! In particular when there's a gun packing lunch lady out there who loses her shit.)
Enter the disgruntled and less than subtle food service professional at the King Philip Middle School in Wrentham, MA, who is accused by authorities of telling co-workers that she was thinking of "...going out and buying an AK-47 and shooting this school up", after she discovered that a batch of cookies she had prepared had been rejected because they were burned.
Apparently indignant that her efforts had been considered sub-par, and that an alternative cookie baking rival had been found, the accused then allegedly began talking to co-workers about a hit list with one particular individual at the top. Understandably, her remarks were not well received by senior management, not to mention law enforcement officials.
The alleged cafeteria terrorist, who has a permit to carry the 9mm handgun that she owns, has been ordered by the court to surrender her weapon and stay away from the school, and to avoid contact with any witnesses or alleged victims. A pre-trial hearing is scheduled for early March.
On the up side, the school's Clean Plate Club is currently operating at full capacity.
It's even more dubious when your work day ends in handcuffs because besides making sloppy-joes, you've been making death threats to your non-appreciative co-workers because they don't like the bake of your cookies.
Yeah. Burned cookie rejection. That's what we're talking about here.
(Some days, picking these Bad Day stories is just soooo easy! In particular when there's a gun packing lunch lady out there who loses her shit.)
Enter the disgruntled and less than subtle food service professional at the King Philip Middle School in Wrentham, MA, who is accused by authorities of telling co-workers that she was thinking of "...going out and buying an AK-47 and shooting this school up", after she discovered that a batch of cookies she had prepared had been rejected because they were burned.
Apparently indignant that her efforts had been considered sub-par, and that an alternative cookie baking rival had been found, the accused then allegedly began talking to co-workers about a hit list with one particular individual at the top. Understandably, her remarks were not well received by senior management, not to mention law enforcement officials.
The alleged cafeteria terrorist, who has a permit to carry the 9mm handgun that she owns, has been ordered by the court to surrender her weapon and stay away from the school, and to avoid contact with any witnesses or alleged victims. A pre-trial hearing is scheduled for early March.
Authorities are working hard to reassure area residents, but concerns still run high.
On the up side, the school's Clean Plate Club is currently operating at full capacity.