Think your day is going bad? Here's a little perspective to make you feel better.
Unless you are seeking a particularly bad day, don't be an animal with a bad attitude anywhere in the vicinity of presidential candidate Rick least when he's out jogging. According to Yahoo News blogger Chris Moody (of The Ticket), Gov. Perry, who is a strong supporter gun rights, wears a loaded sidearm while jogging. Furthermore, in Austin, Texas last year, he proved he is not afraid to use it, when he shot a coyote he claimed was threatening his dog. Exactly how far he is willing to take this gun toting swagger is still not entirely clear however, and it should be kept in mind that to date there are no coyotes legally registered to vote.
If it had been an oil executive doing the threatening, we're guessing he'd probably have shot the dog.
If it had been an oil executive doing the threatening, we're guessing he'd probably have shot the dog.
If you happen to be in New Bedford, MA and were hoping to get a quick high top fade while you watch somebody mutilate a chicken, this might be a bad day for you. At the very least, your chances have been reduced. Officials in that city, it turns out, have announced the city has ordered the closure of a local barber shop after they found evidence of ritualistic animal sacrifice inside, including an altar, candles, statues, religious symbols, and some storage pens containing some very much alive and very much relieved roosters and chickens. According to a story in The Standard-Times and distributed by the Associated Press, the shop owner admits religious practices that involve the fowl, but claims they do not occur in his barber shop, where they might disturb customers, but only in rural settings, where they can disturb nature lovers, hikers, bird watchers, meth-lab proprietors, and other God-less non-customers.
And then there is the absolutely lousy day had by the Canadian Park Police in charge of safety at Niagra Falls, who can't seem to keep up with all the tourists getting swept over the falls these days. As reported by Reuters, an ill-advised Japanese woman who had climbed up on a fence for a better view, slipped and fell into the cold rushing waters, disappearing over the edge, presumably to her doom. In the ensuing search process, authorities did find a body, but not that of the unfortunate woman, discovering instead the remains of an unidentified male victim, who so far has not yet even been reported missing.
Police do not suspect foul play in either incident. They have asked however, that in the future, anyone planning on being swept over the falls please check in at the main office, because otherwise, as one source speaking off the record told Kielbasablog, "It gets to be a bit much for the guys in Lost and Found."
Police do not suspect foul play in either incident. They have asked however, that in the future, anyone planning on being swept over the falls please check in at the main office, because otherwise, as one source speaking off the record told Kielbasablog, "It gets to be a bit much for the guys in Lost and Found."