Think your day is going bad? Here's a little perspective to make you feel better.
Not COOL!!!
Even God has his bad days. At least when they involve President of the United States Barack Obama. Apparently, the President, ...insensitive as ever to God's feelings...neglected to mention him in his Thanksgiving themed weekly internet address, a tradition going back to the original Pilgrim/Indian dinner celebration at which God was in attendance sitting on the Pilgrim side of the table raking in the praise. (He brought a casserole)
Post address, the blog-o-sphere quickly erupted with damning criticism of the President and his slight, including attacks from Fox News Radio, which is widely acknowledged among most right leaning Supreme Beings as God's favorite radio network.
According to a highly placed heaven based Kielbasablog source, God was particularly miffed because he had posted a pre-address announcement on his Facebook page inviting friends and family to tune in to the speech. A close family source went on to report that as a result, the embarrassed deity skipped two of the three NFL games broadcast on Thanksgiving Day, and spent most of the holiday in his office planning cataclysmic weather patterns and election results for the upcoming year.
Post address, the blog-o-sphere quickly erupted with damning criticism of the President and his slight, including attacks from Fox News Radio, which is widely acknowledged among most right leaning Supreme Beings as God's favorite radio network.
According to a highly placed heaven based Kielbasablog source, God was particularly miffed because he had posted a pre-address announcement on his Facebook page inviting friends and family to tune in to the speech. A close family source went on to report that as a result, the embarrassed deity skipped two of the three NFL games broadcast on Thanksgiving Day, and spent most of the holiday in his office planning cataclysmic weather patterns and election results for the upcoming year.
...And in other White House related bad news, the Obama administration has experienced yet another staff defection, this time a closer more personal one. According to the Associated Press, Reggie Love, President Obama's longtime personal assistant and frequent roundball wingman, has announced his departure to spend more time (admirably) focused on his pursuit of an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. As the assistant to POTUS, Love spent most of his time at Obama's side tending to details and tying up loose ends. Everything from gathering printed materials, holding personal items, locating the Executive IPod, spraying air freshener...all the way to taking souvenir photos for guests. All of which, amazingly, was still not adrenalizing enough to keep the well liked loyal staffer in service through a second presidential run.
So sad.
If only the prez still needed someone to smuggle in the butts.
So sad.
If only the prez still needed someone to smuggle in the butts.
Then, finally, there is this tale out of southern Utah. A tale of one unfortunate wilderness exploring man whose catalog of life experience stories now includes one that truly sucks.
According to the Associated Press, an unidentified man was extracted from an area along the Dirty Devil River after being stuck in quicksand by himself for over eight yucky hours.
The man was first spotted accidentally by an unnamed military agency that, by chance, recognized his emergency alert beacon.
The name of the man was not released by police authorities. However he was identified as being a member of the National Outdoor Leadership School.
It is unclear at this point who exactly the man is, who he was leading (or being led by), why they abandoned him, or why nobody ever reported him missing.
That really did suck, man.
According to the Associated Press, an unidentified man was extracted from an area along the Dirty Devil River after being stuck in quicksand by himself for over eight yucky hours.
The man was first spotted accidentally by an unnamed military agency that, by chance, recognized his emergency alert beacon.
The name of the man was not released by police authorities. However he was identified as being a member of the National Outdoor Leadership School.
It is unclear at this point who exactly the man is, who he was leading (or being led by), why they abandoned him, or why nobody ever reported him missing.
That really did suck, man.