Think your day is going bad? Here's a little perspective to make you feel better.

"Oh yeah? Go get the soap!"
A good bet made for a bad day in Vallejo, California last week for a 21-year-old gambler who wagered with his friends that if properly lubricated (Relax...just dish soap) he could squeeze his adult sized body into a toddler sized playground swing. He won, but lost: Nine hours of his life, to be exact, plus his dignity, after his friends abandoned him once they realized he'd gotten stuck. ABC News Blogs reports that after being found, the man was transported to a hospital where doctors used an orthopedic cast saw to cut the him free. Whether he'll ever be free of the shame is another story.
Somewhere out there is one amazing cell phone picture.
Somewhere out there is one amazing cell phone picture.

"I'm good for hot sauce. Yo quiero meat!"
And it's never a good day to be a Taco Bell drive-thru guy when the customers turn surly and express their displeasure with Molotov cocktails, which according to ABC News Blogs, is exactly what one cantankerous carnivore did in Albany, Georgia last week when his chalupas came out of the bag without enough meat. It started with an irate phone call and ended when the unhappy hombre later returned to toss a firebomb at the meat-cheap drive-thru window.
Ay Caramba!